Reliable and Economical Scanning
The Code CR950 is an aggressive barcode reader that rapidly decodes 1D and 2D barcodes. Its lightweight, ergonomic design makes it comfortable to use over long shifts, and unmatched durability makes it an investment that will last turn after turn.
This easy-to-use, durable barcode reader outperforms single-line laser scanners and linear imagers with full omnidirectional barcode reading. Combined with its programming versatility, the CR950 quickly and reliably transmits barcoded data into any cannabis enterprise solution.
- Barcode Reader Kit
- Includes: 6' USB Cable
- Omnidirectional Reading of all 1D & 2D Barcodes
- Reads Barcodes on Mobile Device Screens
- User Feedback with LED and Audible Tone
- Manual or Automatic Triggering
Recommended For: Cultivation, Processing, Dispensary
Scanner Specifications | |
Scanner Type | Cabled |
Decode Capability | 1D (liner) and 2D barcodes |
Communication Interfaces | RS232, USB 2.0 (Generic HID, HID Keyboard, Virtual COM Port) |